Visit The
Boca Raton Picklers Website
Learn More About The
Picklers' Survivor Challenge
Congratulations to our 2023 Champions
Pro Womens Singles
Salome Devidze vs. Megan Fudge
Pro Womens Doubles
Milan Rane / Parris Todd
vs. Megan Fudge / Lee Whitwell
Pro Mixed Doubles
Parris Todd / Hunter Johnson
vs. Susannah Barr / Rob Nunnery
Pro Mens Doubles
Joey Farias / Andreas Siljestrom
vs. Rob Nunnery / Greg Dow
Pro Mens Singles
Hunter Johnson vs. Yates Johnson
Boca Raton Masters Pickleball Championships
LIVE from Stadium Court (REPLAY)
Go To Our YouTube Channel

Welcome to Patch Reef Pickleball
Located off Yamato Road in Boca Raton, the center is nestled among 55 acres in the beautiful Patch Reef Park.
With six permanent and beautifully lighted plexi-cushion pickleball courts plus sixteen tennis courts will be transformed into this world-class venue for the 2023 Boca Raton Pickleball Masters.
We know you will enjoy the center and surrounding areas along with the support of our dedicated staff and volunteers. We hope you enjoy your visit and we look forward to hosting you soon.